Using the Dynamic Group Filter Editor

Use the Dynamic Group Filter Editor to create or edit rules for use in the SQL filter for the new group.

  1. First, select the desired rule type from the drop-down menu at left. The available options are:
    • Active monitor. Checks the Active Monitors configured for a device found at Device Properties > Active Monitors.
    • Device attribute. Checks for a device Attribute name that matches the criteria entered in Attribute value. Device attributes are configured on the Device Properties > Attributes dialog.
    • Display name. Checks the Display name box found at Device Properties > General.
    • Credential. Checks the box found at Device Properties > Credentials.
    • Host name. Checks the Host name box found at Device Properties > General. Also checks any additional network interface in the Additional Network Interfaces dialog.
    • IP address. Checks the IP address box found at Device Properties > General. Also checks any additional network interface in the Additional Network Interfaces dialog.
    • SNMP OID. Checks the SNMP OID box found at Device Properties > Credentials.
  2. Then, select your search criteria from the next drop-down menu. Please note, the search criteria options displayed may vary depending on the rule type selected in the previous step. See below for additional information.
  3. After choosing your search criteria, enter a variable to complete the string rule.
  4. To add a filter to your filter group, click the add icon and repeat these steps as needed to complete your filter.
  5. To add a sibling or child group, click Add group and repeat these steps as needed to complete your filter.
  6. When your filter is complete, click OK to return to the SQL Query Builder.

About Search Criteria Options

For most rule types, you can select one of six search criteria:

Example: "IP address contains 192," where "IP address" is the rule type, "contains" is the search criteria, and "192" is the variable. This string rule would search for devices with IP addresses with 192 in them.

However, if Credential is selected, you can only select:

Example: "Credential does not have SNMP," where "Credential" is the rule type, "does not have" is the search criteria, and "SNMP" is the variable. This string rule would search for devices that do not have Windows credentials applied.

Note: This does not apply to Passive Monitors that use credentials.

If IP Address is selected, you may select one of the six common search criteria described previously or one of two additional search criteria specific to IP addresses:

Note: IP address rules do not support IPv6 addresses.

See Also

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Email Active Monitor Advanced Properties

Tools: Layer 2 Trace

IP/MAC Address Finder

Using Email Notification Message Settings

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Welcome Guided Tour

Setting Active Directory/LDAP credentials

Setting Cisco ACS credentials

Percent Variables

Discovery Percent Variables

Bulk Field Change - Active Monitor Properties

Alert Center Percent Variables

Setup Actions for Passive Monitors

Monitoring Application Performance

Configure Monitors - Windows Event Log settings

SNMP MIB Browser dialog

Passive Monitor Properties

Rescan Options

JMX Browser

Dependencies overview

OS Library

JSONPath Query and JSONPath Builder

Using Favorites in WhatsUp Gold

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