Remove Ipswitch Analytics Server data for past 3-15 months?
The Ipswitch Analytics Server automatically purges data after 15 months. To purge the data before 15 months, you must remove the Ipswitch Analytics Server and then reinstall the Ipswitch Analytics Server.
Change the HTTPS port numbers used by an Ipswitch Analytics Agent machine to connect with the Ipswitch Analytics Server machine and/or the MOVEit database machine?
Modify the Ipswitch Analytics Agent (Modify an Ipswitch Analytics Agent, installation and update the port numbers.
Update the username or password that an Ipswitch Analytics Agent uses to authenticate with a MOVEit database?
Go to the Users module, locate the user with the role of Ipswitch Analytics Agent and change that user's password. This user's name will be whatever name was entered during installation for the Agent user. Then you must modify the Agent (Modify an Ipswitch Analytics Agent, to change the Agent Access Username name within the install.
Change the name of a MOVEit system as shown within Ipswitch Analytics?
Modify an Ipswitch Analytics Agent Installation (Modify an Ipswitch Analytics Agent, and on the Analytics Agent Settings dialog, enter a new name for the Agent.
Remove an Ipswitch Analytics Agent from tracking a MOVEit system, or use an Ipswitch Analytics Agent license for a different MOVEit system?
Remove the existing Agent or Disconnect the Agent from the MOVEit Server.
Move my Ipswitch Analytics Server to a different machine?
See Remove and Reinstall the Ipswitch Analytics Server
Add a MOVEit system to Ipswitch Analytics?
Ipswitch Analytics comes with two Agent licenses initially. If you have already used both Agent licenses and want to purchase another license, see How to Buy, then Install an Ipswitch Analytics Agent.
Add users to Ipswitch Analytics?
Go to the Users module and click Add User.
Control what MOVEit data display in reports?
See Report Data Sources.
Prevent a user from creating templates, running reports, and scheduling reports?
In the Users module, click the user's name, and for Role, choose either Partner or Reader.
Prevent a user from seeing the Monitor?
In the Users module, click the user's name, and for Role, choose Partner.
Prevent a user from viewing the Users module?
In the Users module, click the user's name, and for Role, choose Partner or Reader. Creators have read-only access to the Users module.
Prevent a user from seeing the Admin module?
In the Users module, click the user's name, and for Role, choose Partner, Reader, or Creator. Administrators can view only the Rulesets tab in the Admin module.
Restrict access to a Library report so that only certain users can see it?
Select the report in the Library, click Edit Properties, and then grant access to individual users or user groups.
Prevent a user from seeing User Audit and Security reports in Templates and Library?
In the Users module, click the user's name, and for Role, choose Partner, Reader or Creator.
Prevent a user from viewing and running a specific template?
To prevent a user from seeing any templates, assign the role of Partner or Reader. Only Creators and higher can view and run templates in the Templates tab and select templates to schedule in the Schedule tab.
Templates are either public (viewable by all users who have the role of Creator or higher) or private (viewable by the template creator only). The template creator decides to make a custom template public or private during template creation, or by editing the custom template afterwards. After a template is made public, it cannot be changed back to private.
Track user activity on the Ipswitch Analytics Server?
Administrators and System Administrators can create User Audit and Security reports that show detailed user activity on the Ipswitch Analytics Server.
Take an Ipswitch Analytics Agent offline?
On the Agent machine, open Windows Services, right-click Ipswitch Analytics Agent, and select Stop.
Verify that all Ipswitch Analytics Agents are up and running for maximum uptime performance?
Check the Monitor Dashboard. If an Agent is not sending data to the Ipswitch Analytics Server, it appears as offline or unknown.
View Ipswitch Analytics log files?
Back up the Ipswitch Analytics Server database?
Recommended: use standard hard drive mirroring software to back up the Ipswitch Analytics Server database to protect against hardware failure.
Remove data from the Ipswitch Analytics server database
You can remove data that was pulled by a specific agent. For more information, see Licenses and Agents.
Manage the private templates that users create?
Users who have access to the Templates tab can create custom templates that are private and hidden from view. Only System Administrators can see, manage, and delete private templates. The template creator must grant access to other users and/or user groups to make it public.
Enable email notifications on Ipswitch Analytics?
A System Administrator must set the proper email notifications.
Change the password policy for Ipswitch Analytics users?
A System Administrator can change the password policy in the SETTINGS module.