
WhatsUp Gold Overview
Welcome to Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold v16.4
WhatsUp Gold Editions
New in Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold v16.4
Using the WhatsUp Gold community site
Using the WhatsUp Customer Portal for product account information
Finding more information and updates
Security Guidelines
Security guidelines overview
Security best practices
Best practices for administrators
Best practices for web users
Limiting access to the WhatsUp Gold Administration Console
Limiting Access to the WhatsUp Gold Tools and Utilities
Issuing User Rights and Device Access Rights conservatively
Monitoring WhatsUp Gold health and disk usage to prevent data loss
Monitoring WhatsUp Gold health
Monitoring WhatsUp Gold server disk usage
Backing up the WhatsUp Gold database
Set the WhatsUp Gold server platform to use FIPS cryptography
Using FIPS 140-2 cryptography
Setting WhatsUp Gold server to use FIPS cryptography
Using WhatsUp Gold password management
Getting Familiar with WhatsUp Gold
Using the WhatsUp Gold Web Interface
Accessing the web interface
About the WhatsUp Gold web interface
Using the WhatsUp Gold web interface tabs
Dashboard tab
Devices tab
Reports tab
Logs tab
Inventory tab
APM tab
Flow Monitor tab
Alert Center tab
Wireless tab
Virtual tab
Other Plugins tab
Admin tab
AlertFox tab
Using Application Settings: System
Organizing devices, device groups, and maps with drag-and-drop
Using the WhatsUp Gold Console
About the console
About the Status Tray (WhatsUp Gold Status Center) and Desktop Actions applications
Using WhatsUp Gold Mobile Access
About WhatsUp Gold Mobile Access
Mobile Access supported browsers
Managing WhatsUp Gold mobile access
Accessing WhatsUp Gold from a mobile device
Navigating and using the WhatsUp Gold Mobile Access home screen
Using Mobile Access device list
Using Mobile Access reports
Using Mobile Access favorites
Using Mobile Access preferences
Using the Discovery Console
Learning about the Discovery Console
About Polling
WhatsUp Gold Polling Engine Overview
Poller Installation and Removal
WhatsUp Gold Poller installation and configuration
WhatsUp Gold Poller Removal
Configuring WhatsUp Gold to use additional pollers
Poller Health Dashboard
Polling Performance Tuning
Using Polling with WhatsUp Gold Failover and Distributed editions
Poller usage in WhatsUp Gold
Understanding and using dashboards
Learning about dashboards
About the Home Dashboard
About the Device Status dashboard
About the Top 10 dashboard
Overview of dashboard report categories
Adding dashboard reports to a dashboard view
Searching for dashboard reports
Working with dashboard views
Changing dashboard content
Using the dashboard report menu
Configuring a dashboard report
Moving dashboard reports within a dashboard view
Navigating dashboard views
Using Favorites
Understanding favorites
Adding favorites
Editing favorites
Viewing Dashboard reports
Alert Center reports
About the Alert Center: Threshold Summary report
About the Alert Center: Device Thresholds report
APM Dashboard Reports
About the APM: State Summary Dashboard Report
About the APM: Application Event Log Dashboard Report
CPU Utilization reports
CPU Utilization dashboard reports
About the CPU Utilization Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the CPU Utilization Last X hours/days (Specific CPU) report
About the Last Polled CPU Utilization (Specific CPU) report
About the CPU Utilizaton: Last Polled Value (Single Device) report
About the Top 10: CPU Utilization report
Custom Performance Monitor reports
Custom Performance Monitor dashboard reports
About the Custom Performance Monitor Values Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Custom Performance Monitor Values Last X hours/days (Specific Monitor) report
About the Last Polled Custom Performance Monitor Values (Single Device) report
About the Top 10: Custom Performance Monitor report
About the Threshold: Custom Performance Monitor report
Disk Utilization reports
Disk Utilization dashboard reports
About the Disk Utilization Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Disk Free Space Last X hours/days (Specific Disk) report
About the Disk Utilization Last X hours/days (Specific Disk) report
About the Disk Utilization: Last Polled Value (Specific Disk) report
About the Disk Utilization: Last Polled Values (Single Device) report
About the Threshold: Disk Utilization report
About the Top 10: Disk Free Space report
About the Top 10: Disk Utilization report
Flow Monitor reports
General Flow Monitor dashboard reports
Flow Monitor: Archive Database Size report
About the Flow Monitor: Database Size report
About the Flow Monitor: Interface report
About the Flow Monitor: Source report
About the Flow Monitor: Source List report
Interface Troubleshooting dashboard reports
About the Flow Monitor: Top Senders with More Conversation Partners report
About the Flow Monitor: Top Senders report
About the Flow Monitor: Top Senders with Failed Connections report
Interface Traffic dashboard reports
About the Flow Monitor: Incoming Interface Traffic report
About the Flow Monitor: Incoming Interface Utilization report
Interface Traffic report
About the Flow Monitor: Outgoing Interface Traffic report
About the Flow Monitor : Outgoing Interface Utilization report
Interface Details dashboard reports
About the Flow Monitor: Top Sender Domains report
About the Flow Monitor: Top Sender Groups report
About the Flow Monitor: Top Sender TLD report
About the Flow Monitor: Top Types of Service report
General reports
General dashboard reports
About the General: Custom Links report
About the General: Database Size report
About the General: Database Table Usage report
About the General: Device Active Monitor States report
About the General: Device Attributes report
About the General: Device Custom Links report
About the General: Device Dependencies report
About the General: Device Notes report
About the General: Device Performance Monitor Summary report
About the General: Device SNMP Details report
About the General: Device Status report
About the General: Device Toolbar report
About the General: Element Count report
About the General: Favorite Reports report
About the General: Free Form Text/HTML report
About the General: Group Status report
About the General: Interface Details (Specific Interface) report
About the General: Map View report
About the General: Monitors Applied report
About the General: Poller Health report
About the General: Search Knowledge Base report
About the General: Summary Counts reports
About the General: Web User Activity Log
Interface Errors and Discards reports
Interface Errors and Discards dashboard reports
About the Interface Discards Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Interface Discards Last X hours/days (Specific Interface) report
About the Interface Errors Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Interface Errors Last X hours/days (Specific Interface) report
Interface Errors and Discards - Last Poll (Single Device) report
About the Top 10: Interface Discards report
Top 10: Interface Errors report
Interface Utilization reports
Interface Utilization dashboard reports
About the Interface Utilization: Interface Traffic Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Interface Utilization (Specific Interface Traffic) report
About the Interface Utilization Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Interface Utilization Last X hours/days (Specific Interface Utilization) report
About the Last Polled Interface Utilization Value (Specific Interface) report
Interface: Last Polled Values (Single Device) report
About the Threshold: Interface Utilization report
About the Top 10: Interface Utilization report
About the Top 10: Interface Traffic report
About the Threshold: Interface Traffic report
Inventory reports
Inventory dashboard reports
About the Inventory: Total Actions Applied by Type report
About the Inventory: Total Active Monitors by Type report
About the Inventory: Total Devices by Type report
About the Inventory: Devices with a Specific Attribute report
About the Inventory: Total Passive Monitors by Type report
About the Inventory: Total Performance Monitors by Type report
Memory Utilization reports
Memory Utilization dashboard reports
About the Memory Utilization Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Memory Utilization Last X hours/days (Specific Aspect) report
About the Memory Utilization: Last Polled Value (Specific Aspect) report
About the Memory Utilization: Last Polled Value (Single Device) report
About the Threshold: Memory Utilization report
About the Top 10: Memory Utilization report
Performance-Historic reports
Performance-Historic dashboard reports
About the CPU Utilization Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the CPU Utilization Last X hours/days (Specific CPU) report
About the Custom Performance Monitor Values Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Custom Performance Monitor Values Last X hours/days (Specific Monitor) report
About the Disk Free Space Last X hours/days (Specific Disk) report
About the Disk Utilization Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Disk Utilization Last X hours/days (Specific Disk) report
About the Interface Discards Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Interface Discards Last X hours/days (Specific Interface) report
About the Interface Errors Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Interface Errors Last X hours/days (Specific Interface) report
About the Interface Utilization: Interface Traffic Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Interface Utilization (Specific Interface Traffic) report
About the Interface Utilization Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Interface Utilization Last X hours/days (Specific Interface Utilization) report
About the Memory Utilization Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Memory Utilization Last X hours/days (Specific Aspect) report
About the Ping: Last X hours/days (Single Device Availability) report
About the Ping Response Time Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
Performance-Last Poll reports
Performance-Last Poll dashboard reports
About the CPU Utilizaton: Last Polled Value (Single Device) report
About the Last Polled CPU Utilization (Specific CPU) report
About the Last Polled Custom Performance Monitor Values (Single Device) report
About the Last Polled Custom Performance Monitor Values (Specific Monitor) report
About the Disk Utilization: Last Polled Values (Single Device) report
About the Disk Utilization: Last Polled Value (Specific Disk) report
Interface Errors and Discards - Last Poll (Single Device) report
Interface: Last Polled Values (Single Device) report
About the Last Polled Interface Utilization Value (Specific Interface) report
About the Memory Utilization: Last Polled Value (Single Device) report
About the Memory Utilization: Last Polled Value (Specific Aspect) report
About the Performance: Last Polled Ping Response Time (Specific Interface) report
Ping Availability and Response Time reports
Ping Availability and Response Time dashboard reports
About the Threshold: Ping Availability report
About the Threshold: Ping Packet Loss report
About the Threshold: Ping Response Time report
About the Ping: Last X hours/days (Single Device Availability) report
About the Ping Response Time Last X hours/days (Single Device) report
About the Performance: Last Polled Ping Response Time (Specific Interface) report
About the Ping - Last Poll (Single Device Response Time) report
Top 10: Ping Availability report
About the Top 10: Ping Packet Loss report
About the Top 10: Ping Response Time report
Problem Areas reports
Problem Areas dashboard reports
About the Problem Areas: Actions Fired in the Last X Hours report
About the Problem Areas: All Completely Down Devices report
About the Problem Areas: All Down Interfaces report
About the Problem Areas: Device Group Mini Status report
About the Problem Areas: Devices with Down Active Monitors report
About the Problem Areas: Devices with Down Critical Monitors report
About the Problem Areas: General Error Log report
About the General: Summary Counts reports
About the Problem Areas: Tail of Action Activity Log report
About the Problem Areas: Tail of Passive Monitor Error Log report
About the Problem Areas: Tail of SNMP Trap Log report
About the Problem Areas: Tail of State Change Log report
About the Problem Areas: Tail of Syslog report
About the Problem Areas: Tail of Windows Event Log report
About the Problem Areas: Unacknowledged Devices report
About the Problem Areas: Web Alarms report
Problem Areas Specific Device
About the Problem Areas: Down Active Monitors (Single Device) report
About the Problem Areas: Device Down Interfaces (Single Device) report
About the Problem Areas: Tail of Action Activity Log (Single Device) report
About the Problem Areas Specific Device: Tail of Passive Monitor Error Log (Single Device) report
About the Problem Areas Specific Device: Tail of SNMP Trap Log (Single Device) report
About the Problem Areas Specific Device: Tail of State Change Log (Single Device) report
About the Problem Areas: Tail of Syslog (Single Device) report
About the Problem Areas Specific Device: Tail of Windows Event Log (Single Device) report
About the Problem Areas Specific Device: Web Alarms (Single Device) report
Remote/Central reports
Remote/Central dashboard reports
About the Remote Reports: Remote Group List report
About the Remote Reports: Remote Site List report
About the Remote Reports: Remote Sites Overview report
About the Remote Reports: Tail of Remote Site Log report
About the Remote Reports: Active Monitor States report
About the Remote Reports: Device Status report
About the Remote Reports: Monitor Status report
About the Remote Reports: Summary Counts report
About the Remote Reports: Tail of Action Activity Log report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping Response Time report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping Response Time over 1ms report
Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping Packet Loss
Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping by Packet Loss over 50%
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 CPU by Utilization report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 CPU by Utilization over 80% report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Memory by Utilization report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Memory by Utilization over 80% report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Disk Utilization report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Disk Utilization over 80% report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Disk Free Space report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Disk Free Space Over 1024 MB report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Interface Utilization report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Interface Utilization Over 80% report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Interface Traffic Utilization Over 80% report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Interface with Traffic Over 50 Kbps report
Remote Reports: Top 10 Custom Performance Monitor dashboard report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Custom Performance Monitor with Threshold report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping Availability report
About the Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping Availability Over 50% report
Split Second Graph reports
Split Second Graph dashboard reports
Using Split Second Graph dashboard reports
About the Split Second Graph: CPU report
About the Split Second Graph: CPU Gauge report
About the Split Second Graph: Disk report
About the Split Second Graph: Interface report
About the Split Second Graph: Memory report
About the Split Second Graph: Performance Monitor report
About the Split Second Graph: Ping report
About the Split Second Graph: Ping Gauge report
About the Split Second Graph: Task Manager CPU report
About the Split Second Graph: Task Manager CPU Bar report
About the Split Second Graph: Task Manager Memory report
About the Split Second Graph: Task Manager Memory Bar report
Threshold reports
Threshold dashboard reports
About the Threshold: CPU Utilization report
About the Threshold: Custom Performance Monitor report
About the Top 10: Disk Free Space report
About the Threshold: Disk Utilization report
About the Threshold: Interface Traffic report
About the Threshold: Interface Utilization report
About the Threshold: Memory Utilization report
About the Threshold: Ping Availability report
About the Threshold: Ping Packet Loss report
About the Threshold: Ping Response Time report
Top 10 reports
Top 10 dashboard reports
About the Top 10: CPU Utilization report
About the Top 10: Custom Performance Monitor report
About the Top 10: Disk Free Space report
About the Top 10: Disk Utilization report
About the Top 10: Interface Discards report
Top 10: Interface Errors report
About the Top 10: Interface Traffic report
About the Top 10: Interface Utilization report
About the Top 10: Memory Utilization report
Top 10: Ping Availability report
About the Top 10: Ping Packet Loss report
About the Top 10: Ping Response Time report
Wireless Top 10 Bandwidth
Wireless Top 10 Client Count
Wireless Top 10 Rogue Count
Wireless Top 10 RSSI
Virtualization reports
About the Virtualization: Virtual Host List report
About the Virtualization: Virtual Machine Current CPU Utilization report
About the Virtualization: Virtual Machine Current Disk Utilization report
About the Virtualization: Virtual Machine Current Interface Utilization report
About the Virtualization: Virtual Machine Current Memory Utilization report
About the Virtualization: Virtual Server report
About the Virtualization: Virtual Server Attributes report
About the Virtualization: WhatsVirtual Events report
Wireless reports
About the Wireless: Bandwidth report
Wireless: Bandwidth Summary report
About the Wireless: Client Count report
About the Wireless: Rogue Count report
About the Wireless: RSSI report
About the Wireless: System Summary report
About the Aironet Current Active Clients report
About the Aironet Current Details report
About the Aironet Current Errors report
About the Aironet Current Last 10 Syslog Messages report
ELM reports
Event Log Management (ELM) Reports in WhatsUp Gold Overview
Using ELM Summary reports
Using ELM Alarm reports
Discovery Console
Discovering network devices
Preparing devices for discovery
Preparing WhatsUp Gold for discovery
Configuring and running discovery
Configuring discovery settings
Using SNMP Smart Scan
Using IP Range Scan
Using Hosts File Scan
Using Layer 2 Scan
Using VMware Scan
Running discovery
Viewing progress summary information
Viewing device discovery information
Adding discovered devices to WhatsUp Gold
Configuring scheduled discovery
Configuring discovery results email settings
Viewing Device Information tab
Viewing scheduled discoveries
Saving discovery results
Using saved discovery results
Using Device Roles
Configuring device role settings
Configuring device role identification settings
Using the percent variables in the Discovery Console
Managing device roles
Creating new roles
Duplicating device roles
Modifying device roles
Enabling or disabling device roles
Restoring a device role to its original settings
Deleting device roles
Using Devices
Viewing devices in WhatsUp Gold
Understanding device and monitor states
Understanding state changes
About device icons
Using credentials
Searching for devices
Understanding group access and user rights for Find Device
Searching for devices with interface traffic
Using device groups
Using device groups
Creating device groups
About Dynamic Groups
Creating dynamic groups
Configuring dynamic groups
Dynamic Group examples
Using the Dynamic Group Rule Editor
Using Maps
Using Map View
About Map View device limitations
Using Map Options commands
Creating Layer 2 Groups
Configuring Device Filters
Managing devices
Learning about devices
Adding a single new device to WhatsUp Gold
Setting Advanced device discovery settings
Changing a device name
Changing a device IP address
Adding additional network interfaces to a device
Adding notes to a device
Using device types
Refreshing device details
Copying a device
Moving a device
Deleting a device
Cloning a device
Cloning a device using drag-n-drop
Changing the cloned Device Properties
Polling overview
Changing how you poll devices
Using Maintenance mode
Changing the device polling frequency
Stopping and starting monitor polling
Dependencies overview
Setting Dependencies
Viewing Dependencies
Using Acknowledgments
Acknowledging a State Change
Accessing a remote desktop to view and manage devices
Configuring multiple devices with the Bulk Field Change feature
Understanding Web Alarms
Using Device Properties
Working with Device Properties
Using Device Properties - Summary
Using Device Properties - General
Device Properties - Performance Monitors
Using Device Properties - Active Monitors
Using Device Properties - Passive Monitors
Using Device Properties - Actions
Using Device Properties - Credentials
Using Device Properties - Polling
Using Device Properties - Virtualization
Using Device Properties - Notes
Using Device Properties - Custom Links
Using Device Properties - Attributes
Using the DeviceIdentifier attribute
Using Device Property - Menu
Using WhatsConfigured Device Properties - Tasks
Using Device Properties - Wireless
Using Network Tools
Using the Ping tool
Using the Traceroute tool
Using the Lookup tool
Using the SNMP MIB Walker
Using the SNMP MIB Explorer
Using the MAC Address tool
Using the Web Performance Monitor
Using the Web Task Manager
Setting up Web Task Manager device credentials
How To example: Using the Web Task Manager - Process tab
Using the Web Task Manager - Performance tab
Using the Web Task Manager - Interfaces tab
Using Layer 2 Trace
Using IP/MAC Address Finder
Monitoring Devices
Using Active Monitors
Active Monitors overview
About the Active Monitor Library
Selecting an Active Monitor Type
Configuring Active Monitors
Adding and editing an Active Script Active Monitor
Adding and editing a Domain Service (DNS) Monitor
Adding and editing a Service Monitor
Adding and editing a Ping Monitor
Adding and editing a Ping interarrival jitter monitor
Adding and editing a Power Supply Monitor
Adding and editing a SNMP Active Monitor
Selecting an object in the MIB Tree
Example: Monitoring Network Printer Toner Levels
Example: Monitoring TCP Connections Established for a Device
Adding and editing a SNMP Extended Active Monitor
Adding and editing an SSH Active Monitor
Adding and editing a Telnet Monitor
Using telnet to determine "Expect on Connect" string
Adding and editing a TCPIP Monitor
Types of TCP/IP monitors
Using the Rules Expression Editor
Script Syntax
Script Syntax: Expect=Keyword
Script Syntax: Send=Keyword
Script Syntax: SimpleExpect Keyword
Script Syntax: Flow Control Keywords
Send to Disconnect Examples
Regular Expression Syntax
Text String Example
Adding and editing a WAP Radio Monitor
Using Premium active monitors
Adding and editing an APC UPS Monitor
Monitoring mail servers
Adding and editing an Email Monitor
Example: Email Monitor
Monitoring Microsoft Exchange 2003 servers
Getting Started with Exchange 2003 monitors
Adding and Editing an Exchange 2003 Monitor
Exchange 2003 parameters
Exchange 2003 services
Example: Exchange Server 2003 Monitor
Monitoring a Microsoft Exchange Server
Getting Started with Exchange monitors
Adding and Editing an Exchange Monitor
Exchange Roles and Performance Monitoring
Exchange Services
Example: Exchange Server monitor
Adding and editing a Fan Monitor
Adding and editing a File Content monitor
Adding and editing a File Properties monitor
About file checksum
Adding and editing a Folder Monitor
Adding and editing an FTP Monitor
Adding and editing an HTTP Content Monitor
Example: Monitoring and alerting on web page content
Adding and editing a JMX active monitor
Adding and editing a Network Statistics Monitor
Example: Using a Network Statistics Monitor to check for IP data received and discarded
Adding and editing a PowerShell active monitor
Example - PowerShell active monitor scripts
Adding and editing a Printer Monitor
Adding and editing a Process Monitor
Example: Using the Process Monitor to check for antivirus software
Adding and editing a SQL Query active monitor
SQL Query Builder
Adding and editing a SQL Server 2000 monitor
Getting Started with SQL Server Monitors
SQL Server Parameters
SQL Server Services
Example: SQL Server Monitor
Adding and editing an SSL Certificate monitor
Adding and editing a Temperature Monitor
Adding and editing a VoIP Monitor
Adding and editing a WMI Formatted active monitor
Adding and Editing a WMI Monitor
Using WMI monitors
Example: WMI monitor
Assigning active monitors
Assigning a monitor from Device Properties
Assigning a monitor to multiple devices
Removing and deleting active monitors
Disabling an active monitor
Removing an active monitor
About critical active monitors
Configuring a critical polling path
Group and Device active monitor reports
Using Passive Monitors
Passive monitors overview
Passive Monitor Icon
Using the Passive Monitor Library
Understanding Passive Monitor Listeners
Configuring the SNMP Trap Listener
Configuring the Syslog Listener
Configuring the Windows Event Log Listener
Configuring passive monitors
Using the Trap Definition Import Tool
Using the Passive Monitor Library
Adding and editing an SNMP Trap Passive monitor
Adding and Editing a Syslog Monitor
Sample of a Syslog Monitor (Event)
Adding and Editing a Windows Event Log Monitor
Using the Any Passive Monitor
Assigning passive monitors
Group and device passive monitor reports
Using Performance Monitors
Performance monitors overview
Using the Performance Monitor Library
Working with Performance Monitors
Adding and editing an Active Script Performance Monitor
Adding and editing an APC UPS Performance Monitor
Adding and editing a JMX performance monitor
Adding and editing a PowerShell Scripting performance monitor
Example - PowerShell performance monitor scripts
Adding and editing a Printer performance monitor
Adding and editing an SNMP Performance Monitor
Adding and editing a SQL Query performance monitor
SQL Query Builder
Adding and editing an SSH performance monitor
Adding and editing a Windows Performance Counter Monitor
Adding and editing a WMI Formatted Performance Monitor
Adding and editing a WMI Performance Monitor
Enabling global performance monitors
Enabling a global performance monitor on a single device
Enabling a global performance monitor on multiple devices
Configuring the CPU monitor collection settings
Configuring the disk monitor collection settings
Configuring the interface monitor collection settings
Configuring the memory monitor collection settings
Configuring the ping monitor collection settings
Enabling SNMP on Windows devices
Creating custom performance monitors
Creating device-specific Active Script performance monitors
Creating device-specific APC UPS performance monitors
Creating device-specific PowerShell Scripting performance monitors
Example - PowerShell performance monitor scripts
Creating device-specific SNMP performance monitors
Creating device-specific Printer performance monitors
Creating device-specific SQL Query performance monitors
SQL Query Builder
Creating device-specific SSH performance monitors
Creating device-specific WMI Formatted Counter performance monitors
Creating device-specific WMI performance monitors
Example: monitoring router bandwidth
Example: troubleshooting a slow network connection
Using the Active Script Performance Monitor
Alerting and actions
Getting started with WhatsUp Gold alerting
Step 1: Identify important devices
Step 2: Ensure monitors are configured for important devices
Step 3: Configure alerts for important devices
Configuring alerts for active monitors
Configuring alerts for passive monitors
Configuring alerts for performance monitors
Configuring alerts for devices
Step 4: Configure action policies
Alert Center options
Learning about Alert Center
Using the Alerts Home page
Using the Threshold Library
Using Notification Policies
Using the Notification Library
Using Running Notification Policies
Using the Items report
Using the Log report
Using Email Notification Message Settings
Configuring Data Export Settings
Configuring record maintenance
Working with Alert Center reports
Using Alert Center reports
Filtering the Items report
Using the Item History report
Updating Alert Center items
A note about notifications
Understanding resolving items - examples
Filtering the Log report
Configuring Alert Center records to expire
Using the Alerts Home reports
Using the Performance CPU threshold report
Using the Performance Custom threshold report
Using the Performance Disk threshold report
Using the Performance Interface threshold report
Using the Interface Errors and Discards threshold report
Using the Performance Memory threshold report
Using the Performance Ping Availability threshold report
Using the Ping Response Time threshold report
Using the SNMP Trap threshold report
Using the Syslog threshold report
Using the Windows Event Log threshold report
Using the Flow Monitor Conversation Partners threshold report
Using the Flow Monitor Custom threshold report
Using the Flow Monitor Failed Connections threshold report
Flow Monitor Interface Traffic threshold report
Using the Flow Monitor Top Sender/Receiver threshold report
Using the Blackout Summary threshold report
Using the WhatsUp Health threshold report
Failover threshold report
Using the WhatsConfigured Threshold report
Using the All Wireless Thresholds report
Using the Wireless Access Point RSSI report
Using the Wireless Banned Client MAC Addresses report
Using the Wireless CPU report
Using the Wireless Client Bandwidth report
Using the Wireless Device Over Subscription report
Using the Wireless Excessive Rogue Alert report
Using the Wireless Memory report
Using the Wireless Rogue Access Point MAC Address Alert report
Using the Wireless Rogue Hidden SSID Alert report
Using the Wireless Rogue Specific SSID Alert report
Using the Wireless Rogue Unknown SSID Alert report
Configuring notifications
Alert Center Percent Variables
Using Alert Center Notification Policy options
Configuring a notification policy
Configuring an Alert Center email notification
Configuring an Alert Center SMS Direct notification
Configuring an Alert Center SMS Action notification
Configuring email notification message settings
Stopping a running notification policy
Using the E-mail Action
Using the SMS Direct Action
Using the SMS Action
Configuring thresholds
Configuring Alert Center thresholds
Selecting threshold devices
Configuring performance thresholds
Configuring performance thresholds
Configuring a CPU utilization threshold
Configuring a custom performance monitor threshold
Configuring a disk utilization threshold
Configuring an interface utilization threshold
Configuring an interface errors and discards threshold
Configuring a memory utilization threshold
Configuring a ping availability threshold
Configuring a ping response time threshold
Configuring passive thresholds
Configuring passive thresholds
Configuring an SNMP trap threshold
Configuring a Syslog threshold
Configuring a Windows Event Log threshold
Configuring Flow Monitor thresholds
Configuring Flow Monitor thresholds
Selecting Flow Monitor threshold hosts
Configuring a conversation partners threshold
Configuring a Flow Monitor custom threshold
Configuring a failed connections threshold
Configuring a Flow Monitor Interface Traffic threshold
Configuring a top sender/receiver threshold
Configuring system thresholds
Configuring system thresholds
Configuring a Blackout Summary threshold
Configuring a VMware threshold
Configuring a Failover threshold
Configuring a WhatsUp Health threshold
Configuring wireless thresholds
Configuring wireless thresholds
Configuring a Wireless Access Point RSSI threshold
Configuring a Wireless Banned Client MAC Addresses threshold
Configuring a Wireless CPU Utilization threshold
Configuring a Wireless Client Bandwidth threshold
Configuring a Wireless Device Over Subscription threshold
Configuring a Wireless Excessive Rogues threshold
Configuring a Wireless Memory Utilization threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Access Point MAC Addresses threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Hidden SSID threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Specific SSID threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Unknown SSID threshold
Using Actions
Actions overview
Managing Action Strategies
About the Action Library
Selecting an action type
Configuring an action
Alerting actions
Adding and editing a Beeper Action
Adding and editing an Email Action
Adding and editing a Pager Action
Adding and editing a SMS Action
Adding and editing a SMS Direct Action
Adding and Editing a Web Alarm Action
Web Alarm popup actions
Enabling and disabling Web Alarms
Accessing Web Alarms on the web interface
Adding and editing a Sound Action
Adding and editing a Text-To-Speech Action
Functional actions
Adding and editing an Active Script Action
Adding and editing a Log to Text File Action
Adding and editing a PowerShell action
Example - PowerShell action scripts
Adding and editing a Program Action
Adding and editing a Service Restart Action
Adding and editing a SNMP Set Action
Adding and editing a SSH Action
Adding and editing a Syslog Action
Adding and Editing a VMware Action
Adding and editing a WhatsConfigured action
Adding and Editing a Windows Event Log Action
Using the WinPopup Action
About Percent Variables
Percent Variables
Testing an action
Assigning an action
Assigning an action to a device
Assigning an action to an active monitor
Assigning an action to a passive monitor
Removing an action
Removing an action from a device
Removing an action from an active monitor
Removing an action from a passive monitor
Creating a Blackout Period
Action Policies
Creating an action policy
Assigning an action policy to a device
Adding and editing an action policy
Configuring an implicit action policy
Example: getting an Email alert when the Web server fails
Using scripting actions
Working with monitor reports
Viewing device reports
Viewing group reports
Using Business Hours settings in monitor reports
Viewing real-time data in monitor reports
About report refresh intervals
Changing the date range
Using the Zoom tool
Using paging options
Changing preferences
Using the WhatsUp Gold toolbar buttons
Configuring monitor report charts
Resizing and sorting report columns
Disabling Instant Info popups
Understanding graph types
Using WhatsUp Gold monitor reports
List of reports and logs
Learning about monitor reports
Device Properties - Performance Monitors
Using the Performance Monitor Library
Scheduling reports
Exporting reports and logs
Emailing reports and logs
Printing reports and logs
Viewing scheduled reports
Performance monitor reports
Learning about performance monitor reports
CPU Utilization
About the Disk Utilization report
About the Memory Utilization report
About the Custom performance monitor report
Network monitor reports
Learning about network monitors
About the Interface Utilization report
About the Interface Traffic report
About the Ping Availability report
About the Ping Response Time report
About the Interface Discards report
About the Interface Errors report
Using Device monitor reports
Learning about Device monitors
About the Active Monitor Availability report
About the Active Monitor Outages report
About the Device Uptime report
About the Device Health report
About the State Change Acknowledgment report
About the State Change Timeline report
About the Top 10 dashboard
Working with logs
Learning about Logs
Selecting a device to view logs
Changing the report or log date range
Changing the date range
Using paging options
Navigating between logs
Printing reports and logs
Using the WhatsUp Gold toolbar buttons
Managing server options
Managing Action Policies
Viewing payload details
Using WhatsUp Gold System Logs
About the Action Log
Error Logs
About the General Error Log
About the Passive Monitor Error Log
About the Performance Monitor Error Log
About the Logger Error Log
About the SNMP Trap Log
About the Syslog Events Log
About the Windows Event Log
About the Activity Log
About the Scheduled Report Log
About the Recurring Action Log
About the Web User Activity Log
Using WhatsUp Gold Group / Device Logs
About the Actions Applied Log
About the Blackout Summary Log
About the Monitors Applied Log
About the Quarterly Availability Summary
About the State Summary
Using APM (plug-in)
APM Terminology
APM licensing and user rights
Getting started with APM
Application Profiles
Application Components
Action Policies
Discovering applications
Dashboards and Reports
Viewing APM status
APM current status
APM historical status
Hourly Availability
State Change
Component Summary
State Change Log
Instance Summary
Action Log
Resolved Actions Log
Working with application states
APM dashboard reports
APM State Summary dashboard report
Application Event Log dashboard report
Configuration and Settings
Application Profiles
Adding an application profile
Importing an application profile
Working with existing application profiles
Managing application instances
Managing application components
CPU Utilization
Database Query
Disk Utilization
Interface Statistics
Memory Utilization
Network Port Check
WUG16.4-APM-Process Check
Scripting (PowerShell)
Scripting (End User Monitor)
About iDrone (EUM Poller) and using EUM Components
Configuring iDrone (EUM Poller)
Using iMacros with End User Monitor (EUM) Components
Service Check
Windows Performance Counter
Managing critical component groups
Adding critical component groups to an application profile
Adding critical component groups to an application instance
Managing discrete applications
Adding discrete applications to an application profile
Adding discrete applications to an application instance
Applying application attributes
Action policies
Working with action policies
Creating an action policy
Assigning an action policy to an instance or component
Managing action policies
Working with actions
Creating a new action
Adding an Active Script action
Adding an E-mail action
Adding a Log-to-Text File action
Adding a Windows Event Log action
Adding a PowerShell Script action
Adding a Program action
Adding a Service Restart action
Adding an SMS action
Adding an SMS Direct action
Adding an SSH action
Adding a Syslog action
Adding a VMware action
Blackout policies
Working with blackout policies
Creating a new blackout policy
Configuring APM application settings
Flow Monitor (plug-in)
Flow Monitor Overview
Welcome to WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor
What is Flow Monitor?
How does Flow Monitor work?
Flow Monitor System requirements
Flow Monitor Home
Preparing network devices
Determining which network devices to monitor
Manually configuring devices to export flow data to Flow Monitor
Configuring sFlow enabled devices to export flow data to Flow Monitor
About Flexible NetFlow
Configuring Flexible NetFlow on a Cisco device
About Network Based Application Recognition (NBAR)
Configuring NBAR on a Cisco device
About CBQoS
Configuring CBQoS on a Cisco device
Viewing potential Flow Monitor sources
Using Flow Monitor to Configure Cisco NetFlow Devices
Managing Flow Sources
About Flow Sources
Configuring Flow Monitor to listen for NetFlow data
Viewing Flow Sources
Configuring a Flow Source
Creating an Aggregate source
Configuring Flow source access rights
Configuring Flow interface properties
Creating flow sources
Managing Flow Monitor Settings
Flow Monitor settings
Configure Flow Monitor to listen for NetFlow data
Setting the logging level
Data retention strategy and tuning
Configuring data retention settings
Configuring Applications
Configuring applications
Mapping ports to applications
Monitoring traffic on non-standard ports
Configuring Flow Groups
Using Flow groups
Using Flow groups
Using the Flow Group dialog
Configuring Type of Service
Flow Types of Service
Editing Flow Type of Service
Managing unclassified traffic
Classifying traffic that is considered unclassified
Using the Flow Unclassified Traffic dialog
Configuring Data Export Settings
Configuring Flow export settings
Maintaining Flow Databases
Configuring Flow database table maintenance
Stopping or restarting the collector
Backing up and restoring the Flow Monitor databases
Using the database backup and restore backup utility for Flow Monitor
Managing users and user rights
Using Flow Monitor reports
About the Flow Monitor Reports group
About the Interface Details report
General view
About the Flow Interface Details report
Managing report views
Selecting an interface
Filtering data in a view
Filtering by date and time
Filtering by traffic direction
Filtering by keywords
About the Interface Details report options
About the Flow Monitor Interface Overview report
About the Interface Overview report options
Filtering report data
Filtering by date and time
About the Report Zoom Tool
About the Flow Log
Filtering report data
Filtering by date and time
Filtering by severity level
About the Report Zoom Tool
About the Flow Monitor Log options
About the Flow Bandwidth Usage report
Selecting an interface
Filtering report data
Filtering by date and time
Filtering by traffic direction
About the Bandwidth Usage report options
About the Interface Usage report
Configuring the Interface Usage report columns
About the Interface Usage report options
About the NBAR and CBQoS Reports
Using Scheduled Reports: printing, exporting, and emailing reports
Using Flow Monitor dashboard reports
Understanding Flow Monitor dashboard reports
Flow Monitor dashboard report types
Navigating dashboard reports
Using the dashboard report menu
Using links in Flow Monitor dashboard reports
Using zoom controls on line graphs
Using informational tooltips
Configuring dashboard reports
Filtering Flow Monitor dashboard reports in WhatsUp Gold
Exporting dashboard report data
Configuring export settings
Linking to Flow Monitor reports from WhatsUp Gold dashboard reports
Welcome to WhatsUp Gold Wireless
Wireless Overview
Wireless accessibility
Using WhatsUp Gold Wireless
Discovering wireless devices
Modifying wireless device role settings
Adding existing devices to Wireless
Managing Devices in Wireless
Client Count
Rogue Count
Received Signal Strength Indicator
CPU Utilization
Signal to Noise Ratio
Memory Utilization
Client Details
Managing Excluded Rogues
Adding to Excluded Rogues
Selecting Rogues to Add to Excluded List
Wireless Reporting
Using Wireless Dashboard Reports
About the Wireless: Bandwidth report
Wireless: Bandwidth Summary report
About the Wireless: Client Count report
About the Wireless: Rogue Count report
About the Wireless: RSSI report
About the Wireless: System Summary report
Wireless Top 10 Bandwidth
Wireless Top 10 Client Count
Wireless Top 10 Rogue Count
Wireless Top 10 RSSI
Aironet Current reports
About the Aironet Current Active Clients report
About the Aironet Current Details report
About the Aironet Current Errors report
About the Aironet Current Last 10 Syslog Messages report
Wireless Alerts and Thresholds
Wireless Application Settings
Application Settings: Global, Data Collection, Rogues, and Client Group
Configuring Wireless Global Settings
Wireless Global Settings Dialog
Configuring Wireless Data Collection
Wireless Data Collection Configuration Dialog
Configuring Wireless Excluded Rogues List
Configuring Wireless Client Groups
Wireless Client Groups Interface
Virtual (plug-in)
Welcome to WhatsVirtual
Using WhatsVirtual
Discovering virtual devices
Viewing discovery output
Manage and monitor virtual devices
Performance monitors
Actions on virtual machines
vCenter server event collection
Configuring a VMware threshold from the Alert Center
Manually assigning a VMware server role to a device
Viewing the WhatsVirtual maps
Configuring WhatsVirtual Live Maps
Managing virtual machines using WhatsVirtual live maps
Viewing the WhatsVirtual reports
About the WhatsVirtual Event Log
Viewing Inventory Reports
About the Device Info report
Device Info Report - System information
Device Info Report - IP Addresses information
Device Info Report - Interfaces information
Device Info Report - BridgePorts information
Device Info Report - VLANs information
Device Info Report - LAG Trunks information
Device Info Report - Assets 1 information
Device Info Report - Assets 2 information
Device Info Report - Installed Software information
Device Info Report - Links information
Device Info Report - IP Routes information
Device Info Report - HSRP 1 information
Device Info Report - HSRP 2 information
Device Info Report - VRRP 1 information
Device Info Report - VRRP 2 information
Device Info Report - STP information
Device Info Report - ARP Cache
Device Info Report - Forwarding information
Device Info Report - Virtual Machine Host information
Device Info Report - Hosted Virtual Machines information
Device Info Report - Virtual Machine information
Device Info Report - IP Phone Manager information
Device Info Report - Windows Computer System information
Device Info Report - Windows Operating System information
Device Info Report - Windows BIOS information
Device Info Report - Windows Processor information
Device Info Report - Windows Physical Memory information
Device Info Report - Windows Logical Disks information
About the Asset Inventory report
About the Device Connectivity report
About the Installed Software report
About the Switch Port Utilization report
About the VLAN View
About the Subnet View
About the Compter System report
About the BIOS report
Windows Software Update Report
About the Windows Services report
About the Warranty Information report
Configured (plug-in)
Welcome to WhatsConfigured
What is WhatsConfigured?
Finding more information and updates
Accessing WhatsConfigured Features in WhatsUp Gold
The Configured tab
Finding WhatsConfigured on Device Properties
Finding WhatsConfigured thresholds in Alert Center
Viewing WhatsConfigured reports
About the WhatsConfigured Task Log
About the WhatsConfigured Start vs Run Configuration report
About the Policy Audit report
Using Task Scripts
About Task Scripts
Using the WhatsConfigured Task Script Library
Creating and editing a task script
Importing and exporting task scripts
Configuring custom task scripts
About the WhatsConfigured Custom Script Language
Using Tasks
About tasks
About the WhatsConfigured Task Library
Selecting a task type
Configuring schedulable tasks
Configuring password tasks
Assigning a task to a device
Running a scheduled task immediately
About Device Properties - Tasks
Using Device Properties - Tasks
Assigning tasks
Comparing archived configuration files
Deleting archived configuration files
Exporting archive configuration files
Importing configuration files to archive
Modifying archived configuration files
Removing tasks from devices
Restoring archived configurations
Running tasks immediately
Viewing archived configuration files
Using Policies
About policies
About the Policy Library
Configuring a WhatsConfigured policy
Auditing a Policy
Viewing archive policy audit results
Using WhatsConfigured Templates
About WhatsConfigured templates
Using the Template Library
Configuring templates
Generating and applying templates
Importing and exporting templates
Using the System Script Library
About the System Script Library
Configuring system scripts
Importing and exporting system scripts
Using the CLI Setting Library
About the CLI Settings Library
About CLI Settings
Configuring CLI settings
Importing and exporting CLI settings
Using WhatsConfigured Tools
About Archive Search
Performing an archive search
Configuration Archive Search Result
Using the WhatsConfigured VLAN Manager
Configuring VLAN Trunks
Using Alert Center with WhatsConfigured
Assigning an Alert Center threshold to a task
Managing the WhatsConfigured and TFTP services
Starting, stopping and restarting WhatsConfigured services
Other Plugins
ELM Reports
Using Event Log Management (ELM) Reports in WhatsUp Gold
Event Log Management (ELM) Reports in WhatsUp Gold Overview
Using the WhatsUp Gold (WUG)/(ELM) Integration Configuration Tool
Using ELM Summary reports
Configuring ELM Summary Reports
Using ELM Alarm reports
Configuring ELM Alarm Reports
ELM Plug-in Reports
Using WhatsUp Gold Admin features
Using Admin features
Using Admin Console
Opening NM Console from the Web interface
Using the Monitor Library
Using the Credentials Library
Selecting a credential type
Adding and editing a new SNMP v1 credential
Adding and editing a new SNMP v2 credential
Adding and editing a new SNMP v3 credential
Adding and editing a new Windows credential
Adding and editing a new ADO credential
Adding and editing a new Telnet credential
Adding and Editing a New SSH Credential
Adding and editing a new VMware credential
Adding and editing a new JMX credential
Adding and editing a recurring action
Scheduling a Recurring Action
Scheduling maintenance
Managing scheduled reports
System Administration
Managing WhatsUp Gold server options
Using the SNMP MIB Manager
Using the SNMP MIB Manager to troubleshoot MIB files
Setting LDAP or Cisco ACS credentials
Test LDAP credentials
Setting Cisco ACS credentials
Browse Active Directory
Translation Groups
About the Language Library
New Language
Managing users and groups
Managing user accounts and user groups
About user rights
Adding and editing user accounts
Adding and editing user groups
About device group access rights
Enabling device group access rights
Assigning group access rights
Propagating group access rights to subgroups
Determining the highest right
Understanding device group access rights and user access rights
About group access rights and users' home groups
About group access rights and dynamic device groups
Using the Polling Configuration Library
Configuring a poller
Adding a subnet
Using the Task Library
Using the Task Library
Create/Edit a WhatsUp Gold task
Configuring task schedules
Configuring Email settings
Changing preferences
Managing dashboard views
Using the Program Options
Enabling the polling engine
Enabling actions
Enabling performance monitors
Enabling WhatsVirtual event collection
Enabling Ping Throttle
Enabling the SNMP Trap Listener
Enabling the Windows Event Log listener
Enabling the Syslog listener
Enabling FIPS 140-2 mode
About operating WhatsUp Gold in FIPS 140-2 mode
Changing the device state colors or icons
Passive Monitor Listeners
Changing how long report data is stored
Selecting a display font
Changing clock/regional preferences
Changing the date and time format
Using the WhatsUp Services Controller
Managing services
SQL server services
Setting Advanced Properties for a VoIP Monitor
Learning about AlertFox
VoIP Monitor (plug-in)
About WhatsUp Gold VoIP Monitor
About Cisco IP SLA features in the WhatsUp Gold VoIP Monitor plug-in
Configuring WhatsUp Gold VoIP Source and Destination Devices
Configuring Cisco devices for IP SLA VoIP UDP Jitter operations
Enabling the IP SLAs Responder on the Destination Device
Installing and Configuring WhatsUp Gold VoIP Monitor
Configuring VoIP
Refreshing the WhatsUp Gold License for VoIP Monitor
Using WhatsUp Gold VoIP Monitor
Using the VoIP Performance Monitor Features and Reports
VoIP Performance Monitor Reports
VoIP Custom Performance Monitor Reports
Enabling and Disabling VoIP Performance Monitors
Adding Users to VoIP Dashboard Reports
Setting Up the VoIP Active Monitor
To set the VoIP MOS threshold options
Configuring Actions for the VoIP Monitor
Using SNMP
SNMP overview
Enabling SNMP on Windows devices
Monitoring an SNMP Service
About the SNMP Agent or Manager
About the SNMP Management Information Base
About SNMP Object Names and Identifiers
Using the SNMP MIB Manager
Using the SNMP MIB Manager to troubleshoot MIB files
About the SNMP operations
Using a custom name for SNMP device interfaces
Configuring a custom name (ifAlias) for an SNMP device interface
About SNMP security
Using the Trap Definition Import Tool
Extending WhatsUp Gold with custom scripting
Extending WhatsUp Gold with scripting
Scripting Active Monitors
Using the context object with active monitors
Example active script active monitors
Monitoring printer ink level and utilization
Alert when temperature exceeds or drops out of range
Determine invalid user account activity
Monitor bandwidth utilization on an interface
Monitor an SNMP agent running on a non standard port
Monitor for unknown MAC addresses
Scripting Performance Monitors
Using the context object with performance monitors
Example active script performance monitors
Graphing printer ink level utilization
Poll a reference variable and perform a calculation
Graph a temperature monitor
Use SNMP GetNext.
Poll multiple reference variables
Scripting Actions
Using the context object with actions
Example active script actions
Post device status to Twitter
Acknowledge all devices
Using the SNMP API
Example scripts using the SNMP API
Troubleshooting the SNMP API
Using the Dashboard Screen Manager
Ipswitch Dashboard Screen Manager overview
How does the Dashboard Screen Manager work?
Installing the Dashboard Screen Manager
Opening the Dashboard Screen Manager
Configuring a Dashboard Screen Manager playlist
Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Troubleshooting your network
Maintaining the Database
About the database tools
Database Performance Tool
Database Tools Table Maintenance
Group Policy Object 503 Service Unavailable Error
Recovering from a "Version Mismatch" error
Task Tray Application fails on Windows Vista
Co-located SQL Server and WhatsUp Gold server clocks must be synchronized
Connecting to a remote desktop
WhatsUp Gold engine message
Troubleshooting SNMP and WMI connections
False negative returned from WMI monitors
Re-enabling the Telnet protocol handler
Passive Monitor payload limitation
Receiving entries in the SNMP Trap Log
Recommended SMS modems and troubleshooting tips
Troubleshooting IIS configuration
Uninstalling Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold
Troubleshooting the WhatsUp Health Threshold
Frequently Asked Questions
Monitors and actions FAQ
Alert Center FAQ
Dashboard FAQ
Wireless FAQ
User accounts and permissions FAQ
Flow Monitor FAQ
Admin FAQ
WhatsConfigured FAQ
Copyright notice