
WhatsUp Gold Language Help
Introduction to WhatsUp Gold
New features
Evaluation Quick Start
User interface
WhatsUp Gold Live
Device list
Searching WhatsUp Gold
Getting Started
Getting help and additional information
Getting the Most from Your Scan
Discovering Virtual Devices
Discover VMware Hosts Managed by vCenter
Discover Standalone VMware Hosts
Discover Hyper-V Hosts
Credentials for Top-Down Discovery
Ensure SNMP/WMI Capability on Monitored Devices
Cloud-based Wireless LAN Controllers
Discovering Storage Devices
Installing the SMI-S Agent for use with WhatsUp Gold
Initiating a Discovery Scan
Hosts File Format
Handling Shared Addresses (Merge Devices)
Typical Uses of Shared Addressing
Device Merge Reason Categories
Exclude a List of IP Addresses
Using Saved Discovery Scan Settings
Adding Discovered Devices (to MY NETWORK)
Device Roles
About Device Roles
Device Roles (Detecting Categories)
Fit Default Roles with Custom Monitors
Create a Custom Device Role
Clone a Device Role
Refine Scan Rules
Check Logic Between Rule Groups
Roles/Sub Roles Library
Roles/Sub Roles New/Edit Wizard
General Settings
Building Rule Sets for Device Detection
Device Scan Rules
Querying Infosets
Associated Roles
Associated Sub Roles
Filter Library
Add/Edit an Interface Filter
Configuration Management Tasks
Working with credentials
Available Credentials
SMI-S Credential
Installing the SMI-S Agent for use with WhatsUp Gold
Monitoring Dell Compellent Storage Environments
Monitoring Dell EMC Storage Environments
AWS Credential
Creating AWS Access Keys
Azure Credential
Create an Application Access Key with the Azure Management Portal
Azure Tenant Credential Fields
Meraki Cloud Credential
Generating a Meraki API Key
REST API Credential
Tips for applying credentials
Creating credentials
Assigning credentials
Discovered Network
My Network
Icons and annotations
Map filtering
Device information cards
Addressing Web Alarms
Creating links between devices
Customizing your map view
Device Status
Device Properties Panel
Device Management Actions
Device Groups
Dynamic Groups
Monitor Types
Assigning Monitors
Critical Active Monitors
Active Monitors
Active Script (Active)
APC UPS (Active)
BGP Peer Status
Cloud Resource Monitor
Exchange 2003
File Content
File Properties
HTTP Content
JMX (Active)
Meraki Device Status Active Monitor
Network Statistics
Ping Interarrival Jitter
Power Supply
REST API (Active)
SNMP Extended
SNMP (Active)
SQL Query (Active)
SQL Server
SSH (Active)
SSL Certificate
Storage Controller Health monitor
Storage File System
Storage Disk Drives
Storage LUN
Storage Pool
Script Syntax
WAP Radio
WMI Formatted
Set Polling Properties
Using Action Policies
Implicit Action Policy
Passive Monitors
Windows Event Log
Performance Monitors
Active Script (Performance)
Using Reference Variables with Script Monitors
APC UPS (Performance)
AWS CloudWatch (Performance)
How to monitor billing and usage using the AWS Cloudwatch Performance Monitor
Azure Cloud (Performance)
Azure Cloud (Billing and Usage)
CPU Utilization (Performance)
PowerShell Scripting
Disk Utilization (Performance)
Printer Ink/Toner Performance Monitor
Hyper-V Virtual Machine Disk Activity
JMX (Performance)
Interface Utilization
Memory Utilization (Performance)
Ping Latency and Availability
REST API (Performance)
SNMP (Performance)
SQL Query (Performance)
SSH (Performance)
VMware Datastore IOPS
Windows Performance Counter
Configuring WMI Formatted Counter monitors
WMI Performance Monitor
Hyper-V Event Log Monitor
Hyper-V Host Virtual Machines Monitor
Rules Expression Editor
Dashboard Creation
NOC Views and Custom Dashboards
Home Dashboard
Device Status
Alert Center
WhatsUp Gold Live Activity
TOP 10
CPU Utilization
Disk Utilization
Memory Utilization
Custom Performance Monitor
Predictive Trending Report
Interface Utilization
Ping Availability (Packet Loss)
Ping Response Time
Interface Errors
Interface Discards
Interface Traffic
Active Monitor Availability
Active Monitor Outages
Alert Center Items
Devices in Maintenance
Device Health
Device Uptime
Device Utilization Summary report
Down Active Monitors
Down Interfaces
Monitors Applied
Quarterly Availability Summary
State Change Acknowledgment Report
State Change Timeline
Device State Summary
Web Alarms
Alerts and Actions
Actions Applied Log
Alert Center
Alert Center Log View
Asset Inventory
Asset Details Report
Refresh Summary Report
Installed Software
Address Summary Report
IP/MAC Addresses Report
Device Connectivity
Switch Port Utilization
Subnet View
Computer Systems
Software Updates
Windows Services
Application Monitoring
Application Monitoring
Configuration Management
Configuration Archives
Log Management
Log Management Dashboard
Log Viewer (Full Page Report)
Log Management Server Status
Virtual Monitoring
Virtual Monitoring
Wireless Monitoring
Rogues Dashboard
Traffic Analysis
Traffic Analysis Dashboard
NTA Home Dashboard
NTA Senders and Receivers
NTA Troubleshooting
Traffic Overview
Critical Activity
Storage Monitoring
Unclassified Traffic
Alerts and Actions
Applying Thresholds, Alerts, Notification Schedules, and Action Policies
Creating Alerts
Built-in Action Types
Active Script Action
Beeper Action
E-mail Action
Post To IFTTT Action
Log to Text File Action
OpsGenie Alert Management Action
Pager Action
Post To Slack Action
PowerShell Action
Program Action
Service Restart Action
ServiceNow Incident Creation Action
SMS Action
SMS Direct action
SNMP Set Action
Sound Action
SSH Action
Syslog action
Text to Speech Action
VMware Action
Web Alarm Action
WhatsConfigured Action
Windows Event Log Action
Guidelines for Creating Action Policies
Recurring Action Library
Adding and editing a Recurring Action
Configuring Actions and Alerts
Thresholds Library
Log Management Filter Frequency Threshold
Configuring a Log Management Filter Frequency Threshold
CPU Threshold
Configuring a CPU Utilization Threshold
Custom Threshold
Configuring a Custom Performance Monitor Threshold
Disk Utilization Threshold
Configuring a Disk Utilization Threshold
Interface Threshold
Configuring an Interface Utilization Threshold
Interface Errors and Discard Threshold
Configuring Interface Errors and Discards Threshold
Memory Threshold
Configuring a Memory Utilization Threshold
Ping Availability Threshold
Configuring a Ping Availability Threshold
Ping Response Time Threshold
Configuring a Ping Response Time Threshold
SNMP Trap Threshold
Configuring an SNMP Trap Threshold
Windows Event Log Threshold
Configuring a Windows Event Log Threshold
Syslog Threshold
Configuring a Syslog Threshold
Hyper-V Event Threshold
Configuring a Hyper-V Threshold
VMware Threshold
Configuring a VMWare Threshold
Blackout Summary Threshold
Configuring a Blackout Summary Threshold
Failover Threshold
Configuring a Failover Threshold
WhatsUpHealth Threshold
Configuring a WhatsUp Health Threshold
Conversation Partners Threshold
Configuring a Conversation Partners Threshold
Network Traffic Analysis Custom Threshold
Configuring a Network Traffic Analyzer Custom Threshold
Failed Connections
Configuring a Failed Connections Threshold
Interface Traffic Threshold
Configuring an Interface Traffic Threshold
Top Sender/Receiver
Configuring a Top Sender/Receiver Threshold
Suspicious Connections Threshold
Configuring Suspicious Connections Threshold
Access Point Memory Threshold
Configuring a Wireless Memory Utilization threshold
Access Point CPU Threshold
Configuring a Wireless CPU Utilization threshold
Device Over Subscription Threshold
Configuring a Wireless Access Point Over Subscription Threshold
Excessive Rogue Threshold
Using Alert Center Notification Policy options
Configuring a Wireless Excessive Rogues Threshold
Rogue Access Point MAC Address Threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Access Point MAC Address Threshold
Rogue Hidden SSID Threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Hidden SSID Threshold
Rogue Specific SSID Threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Specific SSID Threshold
Rogue Unknown SSID Threshold
Configuring a Wireless Rogue Unknown SSID Threshold
Wireless Access Point RSSI Threshold
Configuring a Wireless Access Point RSSI Threshold
Wireless Clients Bandwidth Threshold
Configuring a Wireless Client Bandwidth Threshold
Notifications Library
Notification Policies
Notification Blackout Policies
Blackout Policies
Add/Edit Blackout Policy
Example: On Call Rotation
Reporting Performance, Inventory, and Uptime
Reporting Quick Start
Application Monitoring
Application Event Log
Application State Summary
Running Action Policy Report
Instance Summary
Hourly Availability Over Time
Custom Content
Custom Links
Active Monitor Availability
Current Device States
Device Active Monitor States
Device Custom Links
Group Status
Device Information and Status
Device SNMP Details
Devices in Maintenance
Enabled Active Monitors
Interface Details
WhatsUp Gold Live Activity
Map View
Monitors Applied
Performance Monitor Summary
Device State Summary
SNMP Details
Active Monitor Outages
Alert Center Items
Device Uptime
Device Health
Start vs. Run
Log Management
Log Activity
Log Management Server Status
Log Source Statistics
Top 10 Devices with Critical Windows Security Events
Top 10 Devices with Critical Windows Application Events
Top 10 Devices with Critical Windows System Events
Top 10 Devices with Critical Syslog Issues
Network Traffic
Working with NTA reports using the world map
Top Receivers
Top Receiver ASN
Top Receiver Cities
Top Receiver Domains
Top Receiver Groups
Top Receiver TLDs
Top Receivers with the Most Conversation Partners
Top Receivers with the Most Failed Connections
Top Receiver Countries
Top Senders
Top Sender ASN
Top Sender Cities
Top Sender Domains
Top Sender Groups
Top Sender TLDs
Top Senders with the Most Conversation Partners
Top Senders with the Most Failed Connections
Top Sender Countries
Top Cities
Top Conversations Between Cities
Interface Usage
NBAR Applications - Flow Details
NBAR Applications - Interface Totals
NTA Types of Services (ToS)
Suspicious Connections Report
Packet Size Distribution
Top Ports
Top Protocols
Top Applications
Top Conversations
Top Endpoint Groups
Top Endpoints
ICMP Types
Top Interfaces by Traffic
Top Interfaces by Utilization
Top Sources with Interfaces
Traffic Totals
Unclassified Traffic
Class-Based QoS Usage
CPU Utilization
Custom Performance Monitor
Device Utilization Summary report
Disk Free Space
Disk Utilization
Interface Discards
Interface Errors
Interface Traffic
Interface Utilization
Memory Utilization
Ping Availability (Packet Loss)
Ping Packet Loss
Ping Response Time
System Info
Host List
Virtual Server
Virtual Host Attributes
Virtual Machine Attributes
Asset Inventory
Installed Software
Device Connectivity
Switch Port Utilization
Subnet View
Computer Systems
Software Updates
Windows Services
Warranty Information
Element Count
Total Actions Applied by Type
Active Monitors by Type
Devices by Type
Devices with a Specific Attribute
Total Devices by Role
Passive Monitors by Type
Total Performance Monitors by Type
Archive Database Size
Database Size
Database Table Usage
Poller Health
Network Coverage
Device Role Composition
Specific Device
State Change Timeline
Down Active Monitors
Down Interfaces
Interface Discards
Interface Errors
Interface Errors and Discards
Quarterly Availability Summary
Tail of Action Activity Log
Tail of Passive Monitor Error Log
Tail of SNMP Trap Log
Tail of Syslog
Tail of Windows Event Log
Web Alarms
Actions Fired
Completely Down Devices
Device Group Mini Status
Down Active Monitors
Devices with Down Critical Monitors
Down Interfaces
Summary Counts
State Change Acknowledgment Report
Tail of Action Activity Log
Tail of Passive Monitor Error Log
Tail of SNMP Trap Log
Tail of State Change Log
Tail of Syslog
Tail of Windows Event Log
Unacknowledged Devices
Down Active Monitors
Virtual Reporting
Virtual Machines CPU Utilization
Virtual Machines Disk Activity
Virtual Machines Interface Utilization
Virtual Machines Memory Utilization
VMware Virtual Machines Datastore IOPS
VMware Device Datastore IOPS
Wireless Reporting
Wireless Bandwidth Utilization
Bandwidth Summary
Wireless CPU Utilization
Client Count
Wireless Memory Utilization
Rogue Count
Signal to Noise Ratio
Wireless System Summary
Wireless Clients
Wireless Clients: Specific Client
Wireless Session Details
Client Bandwidth
Client Associations
Wireless Client Session Details
Wireless Client Signal Quality
Wireless Client Bandwidth (Specific Client)
Free Form Text/HTML
Device Thresholds
Threshold Summary
Remote System Info
Remote Group List
Remote Site Overview
Remote Sites Licensing Usage
Remote Site List
Remote Sites Status
Remote Sites Error Log
Viewing Performance Real Time
RealTime Performance Monitor Report
About Logs
Logging Quick Start
Survey of Frequently Used Logs
Consolidated Logs
Action Log
Activity Log
Alert Center Log View
Blackout Summary Log
Scan History
General Error Log
Hyper-V Event Log
Logger Health Messages
Passive Monitor Error Log
Performance Monitor Error Log
Policy Audit
Recurring Action Log
Scheduled Report Log
SNMP Trap Log
VMware Event Log
Web User Activity Log
Windows Event Log
Network Traffic Analyzer Logs
Unclassified Traffic
Applications State Change Log
APM-Resolved Items Log
Log Management
About Log Management
Configure a Log Source
Log Management Settings
Creating filters
Configuring a Log Management Filter Frequency Threshold
Log Management Dashboard
Log Viewer (Full Page Report)
Monitoring Wireless
Mapping Wireless
Wireless Settings
Global Wireless Settings
Global Wireless Settings
Wireless Client Groups
Wireless Excluded Rogues
Monitoring Virtual
Mapping Virtual
Virtual Settings
Monitoring Applications
Application Monitoring Terminology
Application Profile Library
Preparing to Monitor Applications
Discovering Applications
Mapping Applications
Working with Application Profiles
Working with Monitored Applications
Components, Critical Component Groups, and Discrete Applications
Cloud Monitoring for Azure
Cloud Monitoring for AWS
CPU Utilization
Database Query
Disk Utilization
File Content
HTTP Content Check
Interface Statistics
JMX Performance Check
Memory Utilization
Network Port Check
Process Check
REST API Active (Application)
REST API Performance (Application)
Scripting (PowerShell)
Scripting (End User Monitor)
About iDrone (EUM Poller) and using EUM Components
Configuring iDrone (EUM Poller)
Using iMacros with End User Monitor (EUM) Components
Service Check
Windows Performance Counter
About Critical Component Groups
About Action Policies, Actions, and Blackout Policies and WhatsUp Gold Application Monitoring
Application Monitoring Actions
Application Monitoring Blackout Policies
Application Monitoring Action Policies
Configuring an Application Monitoring Action Policy
Application Attributes
Application Monitoring Settings
Cloud (AWS/Azure/Meraki)
Monitoring Cloud-Managed Devices
Network Traffic Analysis
Start Analyzing Your Network!
Before You Begin
Check for Active Sources
Check for Ready-to-Configure Sources
What is Flow Data?
NTA Features and Advantages
Choosing NTA Sources
Credentials Used for Network Traffic Analysis
Configuring and Enabling Collection on Sources
Enable and View Flow Collection Status
NTA Sources Library
View, Edit, Delete, and Enable Flow Sources
Edit Flow Source Properties
Edit Interface Properties
Add NBAR Source
Get SNMP Traffic Totals
Scope User Access to NTA Traffic Data
NTA Data Quick Access
Browse, Configure, and Enable Potential Netflow Sources
Remotely Configure Cisco Netflow Device
Configure Flow Export on Source Devices
Configure Flow Export
Configure sFlow Export on HP Devices
Configuring Flexible NetFlow on a Cisco Device
Configuring NetFlow for Meraki
Configuring NetFlow for Aruba
Creating Aggregate Sources
Grouping Traffic
Classifying Traffic by Port Number (NTA Applications)
Collector Database Maintenance
Reduce and Analyze Traffic with Advanced Filtering
IP Reputation Library
Listener Port, Collection, and Retention Settings
Configuration Management
Configuration Management
Configuration Management System Overview
Using Task Scripts
Using the Configuration Management Task Script Library
Creating and Editing a Task Script
Configuring Custom Task Scripts
Importing and Exporting Task Scripts
Debugging Task Scripts
Run Now
Using Tasks
Task Library
Configuring Password Tasks
Configuring Schedulable Tasks
Assigning a Task to a Device
Running a Task Immediately
Using Device Properties
Viewing Configuration Management in Device Properties
Associating Tasks with Devices
Viewing Archived Configuration Files
Comparing Archived Configuration Files
Modifying Archived Configuration Files
Importing Archived Configuration Files
Exporting Archived Configuration Files
Removing Tasks from Devices
Restoring Archived Configurations
Deleting Archived Configuration Files
Using Policies
Configuration Management Policy Library
Configuring a Configuration Management policy
Auditing a policy
Viewing Archive Policy Audit Results
Using Configuration Management Templates
Capture and Add Templates
Generating and Applying Templates
Importing and Exporting Templates
Using the Template Library
Leveraging and Customizing System Scripts
System Script Library
Configuring System Scripts
Importing and Exporting System Scripts
Managing CLI and Remote Shell Settings
CLI Settings Library
CLI Settings Profile
Configuring CLI settings
Importing and exporting CLI settings
Remote Client Settings
Archive Search
Understanding Configuration Archives
Performing an Archive Search
Configuration Archive Search Result
Applying Regular Expressions
Pattern Range (IP Address)
Pattern Exclusion
Using the Configuration Management VLAN Manager
Configuring VLAN trunks
Writing Custom VLAN Scripts
Setting Log Expiration
Configuration Management Settings
Using Tools in WhatsUp Gold
Connecting directly to a monitored device through the WhatsUp Gold interface
WhatsUp Gold Settings
Using the Top Menu Navigation Admin Features
System Services
System Settings
Scheduling Activities
Accessing WhatsUp Gold Libraries
Customizing web alarm behavior
Applying System Tasks
Using WhatsUp Gold System Tasks
Changing Log Persistance Settings
Manage SNMP MIBs
View MIB Definitions
Import MIB Definitions
Handling MIB Syntax or Dependency Errors
Users and User Groups
Administering Users and User Groups
Managing User Accounts and User Groups
Adding New User and User Rights
Admin Console
Local Access of Settings and Controls (WhatsUp Gold Console)
Using Device Types
About Device Properties - General
About Device Properties - Menus
Adding a Menu Item
Operating WhatsUp Gold in FIPS 140-2 Mode
Using WhatsUp Gold Database Utilities
Configuring File Transfer Settings
Importing Trap Definitions
Monitoring VoIP IP SLA
Scalability Pollers
Poller Configuration
Using Scalability Pollers with WhatsUp Gold
Installing the Scalability Poller Application on a Remote Machine
Configuring Scalability Pollers in WhatsUp Gold
Using Scalability Pollers with Failover and Distributed
About WhatsUp Gold Failover Edition
Configuring Failover Options
About the WhatsUp Gold Failover Console
About WhatsUp Gold Distributed Edition
Configuring WhatsUp Gold Distributed Edition
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